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Even if we live the same day over and over again,

big and small worries frequently form in our hearts

without giving us time to get used to them.


Big and small worries make our steps

heavier in our endless daily lives.


A day to rediscover your natural self

buried beneath daily worries.

It is located in the rear, 

at the end of the alley.


Purify your body and mind 

and confront yourself.


brand story

Humijin is located at the end of the winding Seochon Alley,

the rearview.

( Different sizes / Connected and disconnected form / resembling windings )

It features a motif reminiscent of 

Seochon's organic alley.

brand story

A brief pause in the never-ending daily grind.

Purify your body and mind in Humijin

with a purification ceremony.

brand experience

Purification of the five senses(五感) encountered in an unfamiliar space of raw materials.

brand experience

                Gather your thoughts 

                and write them down while sipping tea.

brand experience


                Fill your empty body and mind 

                with another sip of tea.

brand experience



                Fill your empty body and mind 

                with another sip of tea.

brand experience


                Take a moment to reflect 

                 on the time you finally met yourself 

                 face to face.

brand experience

                We crush the worries of the mind that have been written down 

                and complete the process of purification with a clear and clean mind.

brand experience

 / Charm of Purification /

Since ancient times, it has been believed that writing possessed a special power,

 and as a result, mysterious patterns and writings have been recorded for

the purpose of achieving a specific goal.

The act of tearing or burning something associated with evil is referred to

as a ritual designed to defeat evil and wish for happiness.


          A Purification Space

          Reverse Movement

          The ancient ancestors' experiences with stones and water were captured 

          in the space in accordance with the flow of purification.

/ About Stay

Guests - 2 per person (maximum of 2)

Queen size bedding 1

The bedroom, the bathtub, and the bathroom.

Tea ceremony implements and bath bombs.

          *This is a facility that does not allow infants and children to be admitted.


           Wash your body and mind gently 

           and in accordance with your own breathing in a bathtub 

           filled with rough but refined stones and crystal clear water.

space experience                

Cleansing Hair(沐)            

Scoop the water and pour it several times into your head              

to relieve your anguish.             

                space experience


               Count aloud after 

               soaking in a hot spring bath.


       A space for up to two people to participate in a tea ceremony,

       a bathtub, and a bed with a small landscape.

       The natural texture that will accompany you

       throughout the purification process is melded into the space.

You can confront your natural self here in Humijin,

 listening to the sound of small water flowing over rough but refined stones.




Reserve now

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Even if we live the same day over and over again,

big and small worries frequently form in our hearts

without giving us time to get used to them.


Big and small worries make our steps

heavier in our endless daily lives.


A day to rediscover your natural self

buried beneath daily worries.

It is located in the rear, 

at the end of the alley.


Purify your body and mind 

and confront yourself.


brand story

Humijin is located at the end of the 

winding Seochon Alley,

the rearview.

It features a motif reminiscent of 

Seochon's organic alley.

brand story

A brief pause in the never-ending daily grind.

Purify your body and mind in Humijin

with a purification ceremony.

brand experience

Purification of the five senses(五感) 

encountered in an unfamiliar space of 

raw materials.

brand experience

                Gather your thoughts 

                 and write them down while sipping tea.

brand experience


                Fill your empty body and mind 

                with another sip of tea.

brand experience



                Fill your empty body and mind 

                 with another sip of tea.

brand experience


                Take a moment to reflect 

                 on the time you finally 

                 met yourself face to face.

brand experience


               We crush the worries of the mind 

                that have been written down 

                and complete the process of purification 

                with a clear and clean mind.

brand experience

 / Charm of Purification /

Since ancient times, it has been believed that 

writing possessed a special power,

 and as a result, mysterious patterns and writings 

have been recorded for the purpose of 

achieving a specific goal.

The act of tearing or burning something 

associated with evil is  referred to 

as a ritual designed to 

defeat evil and wish for happiness.


A Purification Space

Reverse Movement

The ancient ancestors' experiences with 

stones and water were captured in the space 

in accordance with the flow of purification.

/ About Stay

Guests - 2 person (2 max)

1 Queen size bed

Bed/ Bathtub/ Bathroom

Tea set/ Bath materials.

*This is a facility that does not allow 

infants and children to be admitted.


Wash your body and mind gently 

and in accordance with your 

own breathing in a bathtub 

filled with rough but refined stones 

and crystal clear water.

space experience

Cleansing Hair(沐)            

Scoop the water and pour it              

several times into your head              

to relieve your anguish.             

space experience


               Count aloud after 

               soaking in a hot spring bath.


A space for up to two people 

to participate in a tea ceremony,

a bathtub, and a bed with a small landscape.

The natural texture 

that will accompany you 

throughout the purification process 

is melded into the space.

You can confront your natural self here in Humijin,

 listening to the sound of small water 

flowing over rough but refined stones.

